Entries For Round Four: 20

{1} Stranger Than You Dreamt It
By, Victoria
Description: How could Chrisitne ever learn to love Erik's hideous face. Using clips from the 1925 version Phantom of the Opera.

{2} The Grudge
By, Victoria
Description: The Grudge in 3 min.

{3} Paint it Black
By, Kristin
Description: This action packed video features Batman Begins in a unique Sin City style. In other words, I created a black and white color scheme with hints of color.

{4} Field of Innocence
By, Lighthouse215
Description: A Hector and Achilles vid (non-slash).

{5} Forsaken
By, Lighthouse215
Description: Max wants to move on with her future but is unable to leave the past behind.

{6} Dear Friend
By, Uruviel
Description: A vid about the friendship of Frodo & Sam.

{7} Let Me Go
By, Uruviel
Description: An Aragorn-Arwen-Eowyn vid.

{8} You're My Angel
By, Jocelyn
Description: Landon/Jamie vid.

{9} Christine's Future
By, Jocelyn
Description: Through his magic, Phantom shows Christine that if she stays with him, he can give her everything she dreamed of as being a star. everything she sees overwhelms her, so she faints. A fantasy-type vid.

{10} Tragic Hero
By, Lisa
Description: Another exploration into the depths of Phantom's madness and intense love for Christine

{11} He Had it Coming
By, Lisa
Description: Several of Gerry's movies compiled together in vignettes.

{12} Enough
By, Mariah
Description: Veronica has had enough of Duncan's violent fits so she decides it is time to leave him because she is so scared that Duncan will hurt her. Is Veronica willing to stand up to her worst fear? (Big time AU)

{13} White Christmas
By, Lauree
Description: Frosty temperatures warm hearts in this wintery tale. :-)

{14} Full of Grace
By, Nicole
Description: A One Tree Hill video of what's happened so far in season 3. Everything is so messed up in the teens lives. They all feel like letting go.

{15} On Sleepless Roads
By, Nicole
Description: A Supernatural Vid looking at Sam and Dean's relationship and what they're going through in the first three episodes.

{16} Anytime
By, Kris
Description: An AU vid that gives The Phantom of the Oprea an alternate ending.

{17} Spending My Time
By, Kerstin
Description: After Marissa broke up with him Ryan suffers.

{18} Fall to Pieces
By, Maddie
Description: This is a Brooke and Lucas video. It is from Brooke's point of view. It is showing that even after all they have been through, she still loves Lucas.

{19} Erik & Meg An Unexpected Romance
By, Monica_O
Description: After the end of the movie, what happened then? :), New and revised version of another vid of mine.

{20} Let's Dance
By, Samantha Jackson
Description: A funny tribute to on-screen singing and dancing.